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Writing exposition is incredibly difficult as you have to balance the spread of information with the story. Here are some tips on how to make exposition effective. 

Interesting Part

Don't begin telling about a town's economic status; give your readers the most exciting tidbits about the place or characters.


I have known Nancy since I was a child. We haven't talked in a while, but it's alright because, after middle school, she got really weird. She stopped answering my calls and would always stand me up. I haven't talked to her in so long, and I'm not going to start now.




 Yes, my childhood friend Nancy. The same Nancy that stopped answering my calls and stood me up multiple times. I haven't talked to her in so long, and I'm not going to start now. 


Use Dialogue

Instead of having a long chunk of information, consider breaking it up with dialogue. 


He could see it before him. The town where Hatren grew up was now almost as pitiful as he was. The roads were uneven, the pavement torn up, and the streetlamps shattered. Yet, it didn't always look like this. No, when he was a child, it had looked drastically different. He could recall the bright colors and flowers that filled each store window. But that was the past. A past he ruined. He looked down at his hands and wondered if this was where he was supposed to be. Yes, the Pumpkin King had told him to return to his old home, but what if the Pumpkin King wasn't real? What if he had hallucinated it?




He could see it before him. The town where Hatren grew up was now almost as pitiful as he was. The roads were uneven, the pavement torn up, and the streetlamps shattered. Yet, it didn't always look like this. No, when he was a child, it had looked drastically different. He could recall the bright colors and flowers that filled each store window. But that was the past. A past he ruined. 
"Take a left here" Hatren said to his driver before looking down at his hands. He wondered if this was where he was supposed to be. Yes, the Pumpkin King had told him to return to his old home, but what if the Pumpkin King wasn't real? What if he had hallucinated it?
"Yes. Thank you." He said and stepped out of the car.


Create Conflict

A similar technique to in media res, by using exposition you can introduce a conflict to your story effectively and efficiently. Not only will this make your exposition more exciting to read, but it will also create refreshing juxtapositions.



From the dawn of its existence, the lake had served to protect its inhabitants. The eastern mountains allowed for camouflage, and the western ocean provided a nice breeze. Creatures of all realms would find themselves here, enjoying the safety found in the brush.




From the dawn of its existence, the lake had served to protect its inhabitants. Now, it was the grounds for war. The eastern mountains, which were once used for camouflage, were engulfed with flame. The western ocean was tainted with blood. Once, creatures of all realms would find themselves here, enjoying the safety found in the brush. Now, only death made its house here.

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