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What is your idea?

Palm Trees Beach View

A Location?

What about this location is interesting to you? Try to narrow it down.


For example, if I was inspired to write a story about a medieval village, I would ask myself what is speaking to me. Suppose it is the idea of a feudalistic society. In that case, I need to decide where I want my protagonist to exist within this system.


Once you’ve figured that out, 

Image by Thought Catalog

A Genre?

If you are inspired to write a genre, ask yourself what about this genre is interesting to you? What story do you want to tell?


For example, if I was inspired to write a sci-fi story, I would ask myself what is speaking to me. If it is the idea of a crew investigating an alien planet, then I need to decide what role my protagonist will play; an astronaut or an alien.


Once you’ve figured that out, 

Image by Luis Villasmil

A Phrase?

If you are inspired by a phrase, you need to ask yourself what draws you to this phrase? What idea or feeling is it evoking from you? If you had to describe why you are inspired by this phrase only using adjectives, which would you use?


For example, if I was inspired by the phrase “I came, I saw, I conquered,” I would use the adjectives confidence, power, concise, uncaring, and disconnected.


Pick three of the most inspiring adjectives, and...

Image by Jukan Tateisi

A Beginning?

If you figured out a beginning to a story, try to break down the components. Why is this beginning so good? Did a line of dialogue set up the rest of the story? Is it a cool place for the story to take place? Is your character doing, saying, or reacting to something crazy? Is it a trope in a genre? What could happen after this beginning? Whatever it is, look back to see if it fits into another category.

Image by Jukan Tateisi

An Ending?

If you figured out an ending to a story, try to break down the components. Why is this ending worth writing a whole story over? Did a line of dialogue vanquish the villain? Is it a cool place for the ending to take place? Is your character learning something about themself? Is it a trope in a genre? Whatever it is, look back to see if it fits into another category.

Image by Asdrubal luna

A Character Trait?

No extra steps necessary,

Image by Volodymyr Hryshchenko

A Line of Dialogue?

Inspired by dialogue? Decide if someone will say this line, and don’t worry, it doesn’t need to happen when you write the story.​

If no, then you need to ask yourself what draws you to this line of dialogue? What idea or feeling is it evoking from you? If you had to describe why you are inspired by this dialogue only using adjectives, which would you use?

For example, if I was inspired by the line of dialogue, “And yet, I am still here.” I would use the adjectives fixable, resilient, hurt, stronger, and stone-faced.

If someone will, then who? Your protagonist? Antagonist? How do you want your protagonist to react to this being spoken? Shock, agreement, anger, joy? Why do they feel this? Try to assign 2-3 adjectives that your character must have to react this way.

For example, if I was inspired by the line of dialogue, “And yet, I am still here.” I would have this line be spoken by the protagonist. This phrase would strengthen my protagonist because it shows them that they can go through the pain and still stand tall. This makes me think that my protagonist is stubborn, quiet, and brave.


Image by Štefan Štefančík

Someone From Real Life?

This is one of the easiest; ask yourself what this person has that interests you so much and

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